In-Home Supportive Services Archives Riverside County Department of Public Social Services

Here you can find access to Family Resource Centers and crisis prevention services. You must have a physician or other licensed health care professional fill out a Health Care Certification form and you must return it to the county before care services can be authorized. If you cannot find someone to hire as your “provider,” the IHSS social worker may be able to find someone for you. The IHSS agency has a database of approved providers who have cleared the requirements to be providers, including background checks. The original IHSS program, now named IHSS-Residual (IHSS-R), began in 1974 and is a state-and-county funded program with 65% State and 35% county dollars of the non-federal share.

in home supportive services riverside county

Once a home care provider is added to the registry, their name will be placed on a list and mailed to IHSS consumers who are looking to hire a home care provider. The client decides which caregiver can meet their needs. In-home caregivers earn $15.50 an hour in Riverside County. The Public Authority works diligently with the United Domestic Workers union in a shared effort to improve wages and benefits received.

About the IHSS Program

The State issues all checks for individual provider payments. If the provider qualifies, the State withholds the applicable amounts for disability insurance and Social Security taxes. If your county has contracted IHSS providers, you may choose to have services provided by the contractor.

After the care provider has been successfully enrolled and is approved as the IHSS provider, s/he will receive time sheets in the mail retroactive to the date of application. The IHSS program has two pay periods from the 1 st through the 15th and the 16th through the end of the month. Care providers will complete these time sheets based on the hours they have provided care to the IHSS recipient. Care providers and recipients will sign the time sheets and submit them to the county to process payments through the statewide Case Management, Information, and Payrolling System . We work with county and community partners to provide wrap-around services that help at-risk adults and families find a path forward. We offer cash and housing assistance, such as access to hotel/motel vouchers.

IHSS Recipients:

You are considered your provider's employer and, therefore, it is your responsibility to hire, train, supervise, and fire this individual. Elderly, disabled, blind receiving IHSS in Riverside County. Home Care Workers seeking additional work as caregivers. The California Department of Public Health is updating its order requiring health care workers to be fully vaccinated and boosted. The Public Authority offers free training to IHSS caregivers every month. When a work-related injury or illness does occur, please contact the Public Authority immediately to report your injury so we may set up an initial evaluation with a worker’s compensation doctor in your area.

The person who you hire to provide the services for you is called a “provider.” If you do not know who you would like to hire, the IHSS social worker may be able to find someone for you. IHSS providers can be paid to accompany their recipients to receive their COVID-19 vaccination and booster shot. The IHSS program provides payment for non-medical in-home care for qualified individuals who are unable to remain safely in their homes without this assistance.

Additional Resources:

We care about the people we serve and last year we served one million people in Riverside County. We want the best for our communities, so we are eager to collaborate with innovative partners who share our dedication to improving the health, safety, and wellbeing of individuals and families! Learn more about how your agency or business can join our the team that strengthens individuals and communities. We work to stabilize Riverside County families that are struggling by providing access to food, housing, cash, childcare, and more.

in home supportive services riverside county

This resource is designed to assist county eligibility workers and other partners who provide services to the public. We have several customer service locations across our 7,300 square-mile county where you can find help. We understand that our services and benefits are vital to you. Please, see below for location details, contact numbers, and hours of operation. Every child deserves a stable, safe, and supportive family.

We have many resources at your disposal, such as financial assistance, housing assistance, and mental health support. We also have partners throughout Riverside County waiting to help you at any time. In-Home Supportive Services, also known as IHSS, can help pay for services if you’re a low-income elderly, blind or disabled individual, including children, so that you can remain safely in your own home.

in home supportive services riverside county

Adult Protective Services responds to reports of abuse against older and dependent adults in Riverside County. We are part of a countywide multidisciplinary team of legal and health advocates to provide community education and investigate reports of elder and dependent adult abuse. A limited supply of Essential Protective Gear, EPG , is now available for active Riverside County IHSS caregivers. If you need EPG, email include your name, recipient case number or provider number, and mailing address. Packets containing EPG are being mailed within 10 days of the request.

IHSS Program Information

Questions regarding an IHSS home care provider’s work ethics or hours worked must be directed to the consumer of IHSS services, who is the actual employer of the IHSS home care provider. The IHSS consumer is the primary employer of his/her home care provider, but registry staff is available to assist with mediations, training and support. The following resources are provided for program recipients/consumers. It is intended to help individuals understand their rights and responsibilities in the In-Home Supportive Services program. For additional resources, go to IHSS Recipient/Consumer Resources.

There are a few ways to apply for IHSS, depending on the county in which you live. You can complete an application and mail it, fax it or take it in person to your county IHSS office . You can also apply by calling your county’s IHSS office. Public health orderissued December 22, 2021 by the California Department of Public Health requires IHSS & WPCS providers to be fully vaccinated and boosted with the COVID-19 vaccine. The deadline to acquire the vaccine booster dose has been extended.

Report Abuse

If you or your family is at risk of experiencing homelessness or is homeless, click here to learn more. As our older population rapidly expands, so does our community’s need for trustworthy, kind in-home caregivers. We provide access to caregivers who help at-risk adults live safely and independently in their own home. We also have services to protect adults from abuse and neglect. A county social worker will interview to determine your eligibility and need for IHSS.

in home supportive services riverside county

IHSS-R recipients make up less than 1.5% of the overall IHSS population. As an IHSS home care provider, the Public Authority is here for your employment verification needs. We are here to assist you with verification if you need a loan, information for another government agency, to apply for a position with another company, or if you just need to know for your own records. If you are a member of the public we encourage you to contact your county social services agency. For more information and resourcesvisit the In-Home Supportive Services Program website.

How the program works:

Note, you may be contacted by the United Domestic Workers union to discuss union benefits before accessing online Orientation,. If you need to get a copy of the IHSS Provider packet, you can download, print, and complete the forms below. All required forms need to be uploaded into PEARS, along with your State Identification and Social Security Card.

in home supportive services riverside county

To be eligible for IHSS, an individual must be Medi-Cal eligible or must be receiving Supplemental Security Income benefits. You are an Individual Provider if you have an eligible IHSS client to work for who has received a Notice of Action of Approval.


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